New Features - ED-16986 - Planning Summary Report - ‘Planning Summary’ that displays a total count of meals planned for each recipe on a day/date range with the planning counts for each site and a group total.
- ED-16989 - Central Kitchen Production Report - ‘Manufacturing Summary’ that acts as a production report for the central kitchen
Reports | Production Reports | Manufacturing Summary Home | Manufacturing | Print | Manufacturing Summary
Enhancements Fixes - ED-11111 - Error when printing Item Measure Tracking Report - Fixed a bug when attempting to print the item measure tracking log for a catalog number where no item measures exist
- ED-11131 - Inactive Flags not carrying over from WinFSIM conversion - Updated Convert Legacy Process to not import inactive items and recipes
- ED-11133 - Primary Unit Format changing in WinFSIM Conversion - Corrected decimal place formatting inconsistency when running Covert Legacy Process
- ED-11134 - LBS changing to Grams in WinFSIM conversion - Updated the Convert Legacy Process to bring in usable weight using the same logic applied in WinFSIM
- ED-11135 - Primary Unit Description Changing in WinFSIM Conversion - Fixed a bug that was adding an extra space on package type for WinFSIM item conversions
- ED-11154 - Internal Order List not allowing multiple saves - Fixed a bug that was causing the Save Changes button to disable after creating or editing an internal order list after saving once
- ED-11155 - Internal Order List Test Button displaying incorrect sites - Fixed a bug that was displaying sites that cannot receive from the list when testing
- ED-11180 - Order Quantities changing when removing an item - Fixed a bug that was causing the text editor to remain open after deleting rows in an order
- ED-11185 - Named Site Filters not Persisting - Fixed a bug in deserialization of site filters that pointed to a named site filter
- ED-11230 - Automatic Order Discrepancies doubling counts - Fixed a bug causing numbers on Automatic Order Discrepancies report to be multiplied by the number of vendors
- ED-11238 - Flattened Menus not Saving - Fixed a bug when attempting to flatten menus on the menu template
- ED-11344 - Recipes not carrying over to menu template in conversion - Fixed a bug in Convert Legacy Process that was not bringing over recipes on the menu template
- ED-11346 - Error when running Meal Pattern Analysis for a single date - Added validation to meal pattern analysis to prevent errors
- ED-11387 - Manufacturing Setup - Fixed manufacturing rules in scaled recipes to honor manufacturing configurations
- ED-11396 - Meal Components not staying in order - Fixed a bug in menu planning showing incorrect sequence of merged menu recipes when other menus existed
- ED-11398 - Error when running Physical Inventory Corrections Report - Fixed unhandled exception running Physical Inventory Corrections report when no inventory periods are defined
- ED-11402 - Inconsistent Entrée Bolding in Menu Maintenance - Changed font bolding and indenting for entrée and link to entrée in menu maintenance
- ED-11425 - Review & Approve Orders Bulk Updates consistency - Fixed case-consistency of labels on Bulk Update Order Wizard
- ED-11426 - Review and Approve Order Functionality - Added the ability to select order header group rows on central office approve order functionality
- ED-11427 - Issue with Central Kitchen Transfers on Cost of Food and Supplies Report - Fixed the Cost of Food and Supplies report to differentiate transfers to/from warehouse/kitchens/sites between transfers and returns more appropriately based on site kind
- ED-11508 - Manufacturing Report not Printing - Fixed a bug when printing the manufacturing details report when running SQL 2014
- ED-11513 - Resize Daily Alert Box - Fixed a bug when resizing comment editor so that the editor cannot be sized smaller than minimum requirements
- ED-11525 - Manufacturing Items not ordering correctly - Fixed a bug in manufacturing configurations that was not allowing the manufacturing site to order ingredients for manufactured items
- ED-11536 - Page Break missing on Paper Order Report - Corrected the Paper Order report to include a page break between sites