



The Menu options allow you to establish menu configurations, create menus, override district menus, and choose menu images for touchscreen POS units.

Locate and click the Admin and Maintenance tab, then select Menu.


Menus allow you to establish meals (lunch, breakfast, snack, supper) and items to be added for the POS serving line. Customization of buttons and function key shortcuts are also established.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Menu. Then, choose Menus.

  2. Click Add to create a new Menu. If the new menu will be similar to an existing menu, select an existing menu and click Add.  You can also select an existing menu and choose Edit to make changes. 

  3. Select how to add a new menu. Then, click Ok.

  4. Establish the menu layout. When you are done, click Ok.

    1. Menu Description - Enter a description of the menu.

    2. Meal Type - Use the drop-down arrow to select a meal type.

    3. Menu Items - Click the Add Item button to populate the menu. To remove an item, select an item and click Remove.

      1. From the Add Menu Items window, you may choose to enter an item in the search bar, to narrow options by using the drop-down arrow and choosing a category, or to scroll through the list of all items. You may also click the Select All button to choose all items or Select None to deselect all items.

      2. Place a check mark in the box for each item chosen for the menu. By default, POS Item Numbers are auto-assigned.

      3. Click Ok once you are done selecting items.


    4. Offer-vs-Serve - Use the drop-down menu to change the offer-versus serve type. This option allows students to decline either one or two meal items/components on school lunch (or one item/component in a school breakfast). This assists to reduce waste and save money while still meeting the USDA requirements for a reimbursable meal.
       - None
       - Legacy Food-Based 4 Item Choices (Decline 1) - Applies Legacy Item components to Offer-vs-Serve.
       - Legacy Food-Based 5 Item Choices (Decline 2) - Applies Legacy Item components to Offer-vs-Serve.
       - Legacy Food-Based 4 Component Choices (Decline 1) - Applies Legacy Item components to Offer-vs-Serve.
       - Legacy Food-Based 5 Component Choices (Decline 2) - Applies Legacy Item components to Offer-vs-Serve.
       - NuMenus 1-1-1 (Decline 1)
       - NuMenus 1-2-1 (Decline 2)
       - NuMenus 1-2-1 (Decline 2)
       - NuMenus 1-4-1 (Decline 2)
       - Legacy Food-Based Component Choices - Unlimited - Applies Legacy Item components to Offer-vs-Serve with unlimited items (such as vegetables).
       - Food-Based - Applies Offer-vs-Serve food item counts.

      1. Meal POSID - Enter the meal POSID associated with the offer-vs-serve type.

      2. Touchscreen Buttons - Establish Touchscreen button options.

      3. Preview Resolution - Establishes the size (in pixels) of the touchscreen buttons.

      4. Number of Buttons - Establishes the number of buttons both across and down on the POS screen.

      5. Touchscreen Buttons - The grey boxes designate an item on the POS serving line. To enter an item, click on a button.

        1. Caption - Enter a caption for the item. It will appear in the Preview screen.

        2. Image - If you are using an image for an item, use the drop-down arrow to select images uploaded in Touchscreen Images or click Add Image to select one from your local or network drive.

        3. Shortcut to Page - Creates a shortcut/link to another page of items. e.g Caption = Veggies; Shortcut to Page 2; Menu Items = Carrots, Corn, Green Beans, Mixed Veggies, Peas

        4. Sell Menu Item(s) - Item(s) is applied to customers sale by clicking on the button.

        5. Menu Items - Click the plus + icon to select an item from the menu list established above. Then, click Ok.
          Note: Search Warning - If you have inadvertently opened the Add Menu Item search screen, click Cancel and do not click Ok. Clicking Ok will add the topmost item in the search screen to the menu button.

        6. Font Style - You may choose to establish a different font size and font style (Bold, Italics, Underline) for the item.

        7. Foreground Color - Use the drop-down arrow to choose a foreground color (font color).

        8. Background Color - Use the drop-down arrow to choose a background color (color behind the text and/or image).

Search and Replace Items

Search and Replace Items allows you to search your menu and replace existing menu items with alternate menu items.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Menu. Then, choose Menus.

    1. Select Search and Replace Items.

      1. Click Next.

      2. Select the checkbox for the menus you would like to edit.

      3. Select an item that is to be removed from the menus.

      4. Select a Replacement Item for the previously removed item.

      5. Configure the Search and Replace Options.

        1. Existing Item - shows what item is currently on the menu.

        2. Replacement Item - shows what item will be replacing the existing item.

        3. Update Button Text - this is what will be displayed on the button of the replacement item.

        4. Update Foreground Color - Updates color in the button foreground.

        5. Update Backgrounds Color - Updates color in the button background.

        6. Update Image - Allows you to upload an image to display on the new button.

        7. Apply the settings above to all button that link to the existing item (even if there are other items sold by that button) - this button will apply the previous settings to all existing buttons

      6. Select Next.

      7. You will see the number of changes made when you have completed the wizard. Then, select Finish.

Menu Configurations

Menu Configurations allow default menus to be established for various groups (e.g. K-5 Menu, 5-8 Menu, High School Menu). By default, Menu Configurations have predefined settings.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Menu. Then, choose Menu Configurations.

    1. Click the Add button to create a new Menu Configuration. To edit an existing menu configuration, select the configuration from the list and click Edit.

      1. Select how the new menu configuration should be added. Then, click Ok.

      2. Establish Menu Configurations. Then, click Ok
        Note: Menu Configurations may be added two ways: Simple Menus and Rotating Menu Cycles.

        1. Simple Menus - Simple menus allow you to drag and drop available simple menus to a menu configuration. Once you have established a menu configuration, click Ok.

          1. Description - Enter a description.

          2.  Available Menus and Menus in this Configuration - Select a menu from the Available Menus column. Then, drag and drop or click the left-pointing arrow to move the menu to the Configuration column. To remove a menu from the configuration, select a menu and drag and drop or click the right-pointing arrow.

        2. Rotating Menu Cycles - Cycle menus allow you to use a drag and drop calendar to establish the rotating menu cycle of menus. Once you have established a menu configuration, click Ok.
          Note: Established menus may always be changed by clicking F2 on the POS login screen. (e.g. Tuesday's menu is cheeseburgers and there is not enough inventory on-hand due to a delay in delivery. Wednesday's menu is Salisbury Steak and an abundance of inventory is on-hand to create the meal.)

          1. Click on Show Calendar.

          2. Description - Enter a description.

          3. Available Menus and Menus in this Configuration -  Select a menu from the Available Menus column. Then, drag and drop or click the left-pointing arrow to move the menu to the Configuration column. To remove a menu from the configuration, select a menu and drag and drop or click the right-pointing arrow.

          4. Menus in this Configuration and Cycle Menu Calendar -  Select a menu from the Menus in this Configuration column. Then, drag and drop or click the menu to the Cycle Menu Calendar column. To remove a menu from the cycle configuration, select a menu and drag and drop or click cut. You may also Copy and Paste a calendar row to easily repeat the cycle.

Touchscreen Images

Touchscreen Images can be imported to show images of items being sold. Images may be imported from DataCenter or a file from a local or network drive.

Images cannot be any larger than 72 x 72 pixels.

  1. From the Administration and Maintenance tab, select Item. Then, choose Touchscreen Images.

    1. Click the Add Image button to import a new image.  To edit an existing image, select the row and click Edit Image. The Image Type column tells you if the image is a system (Newton-provided) image or a District image. 

      1. Select the file from your local or network drive and click Open.

      2. Edit the image by selecting the following options.

        1. Description - Rename the image here. The image name will import in with the image.

        2. Load from File - Allows an image to be loaded from your local or network drive.

        3. Save to File - Allows an image to be saved to your local or network drive.

        4. Paste to Clipboard - Imports images copied to the clipboard from an external program such as MS Word.

        5. Resize - Click the Resize button to edit the size of the image.

      3. Select the size of the image to use. Then, click Ok.
        Note: Images cannot be any larger than 72 x 72 pixels.


      4. Once the image has been resized, click Ok to add the image to the touchscreen image library.

Once you have completed loading all images, click Ok in the Touchscreen Images window.

Menu Overrides (per Cafeteria)

Menu Overrides allow a cafeteria to alter menus, items, and customization for a cafeteria or serving line established at the District level. (e.g. Serving Line 3 is used as a snack line only.)

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Menu. Then, choose Menu Overrides (per Cafeteria).

    1. Select the serving line and menu to override.

      1. Cafeteria - Select a Cafeteria from the drop-down menu.

        1. Serving Line - Use the drop-down arrow to select which serving line to override. To override all serving lines, leave the default (Cafeteria Override) selected.

        2. Menu Description - Select the menu to override from the Menu Description column. Then, click Edit Menu.

      2. Make adjustments to the District's established menu. Then, click Ok.

        1. Remove - Select an item from the Menu Items section and click Remove.

        2. Select a touchscreen button by clicking on it to edit or add an item following the steps in Menu#Menus.

Edited buttons will be marked with a pencil icon.

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